4 AIR FLEXIBLE HEATING PLATES PRESSURE SYSTEM WATER GLYCOL 1 2 3 4 AIR CONTROL BOX Pressure control up to 70 N cm 7 bar 100 PSI Equipped with safety valve and pressure gauge PRESSURE SYSTEM AIR PRESSURE BAG FOR COMPRESSED AIR WITH SAFETY VALVE Certified by German TÜV Robust rubber pressure bags with aramid strengthening Available in rectangular shape 90 rhombic 16 42 or 22 Uniform pressure distribution by means of the pressure bag Oil free compressed air is used as the pressure medium Pressure regulation up to max 70 N cm 7 bar 100 PSI Extruded cooling pressure plate Insulating plate Available in different shapes rectangular 90 rhombic 16 42 or 22 Low individual weight Equipped for air or water cooling Flush heating plate connection with connector lock and protection cap Short heating up time Water cooling system equipped with extruded cooling channels for short cooling down time Optimized pressure and temperature distribution Optional Insulating plates made of fiberglass reinforced plastic Silicone heating mat with vulcanized on intermediate plate Cover sheet
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